中国和菲律宾是隔海相望的友好邻邦。在此次应对新冠肺炎疫情的过程中,中菲两国政府和人民相互支持、相互陪伴,共克时艰、共渡难关。 “你和我在同一片海,守望的爱陪伴”——值此特殊“战疫”时期,谨以此首《海的那边》中菲双语原创歌曲,献给参与和支持两国抗疫工作的各界人士,特别是白衣执甲、逆行来菲的中国援菲抗疫医疗专家组的成员。 歌曲由中国驻菲律宾大使黄溪连作词,中国驻菲使馆外交官、菲律宾友人、本地华人和中国青年演员共同演绎,阐述了这片蔚蓝大海下两国人民守望相助、同舟共济的动人故事,展现了中菲休戚与共的命运共同体精神以及新时期伙伴关系。 China and the Philippines have been supporting and helping each other during the challenge of COVID-19 outbreak, demonstrating a new era partnership of mutual support during trying times and the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind advocated by the Chinese President H.E. ** *******. This original music video Iisang Dagat is dedicated to those who contributed to our fight against the epidemic from both countries, especially the China Medical Expert Team to the Philippines. The lyrics are written by Chinese Ambassador H.E. Huang Xilian, and the song is performed by Chinese Diplomat Xia Wenxin from the Embassy, Camarines Sur Vice Governor Imelda Papin, Filipino-Chinese Singer Jhonvid Bangayan and Chinese actor Yubin from the TV Series The Untamed , “Ikaw at ako’y nasa iisang dagat, ang iyong pagmamahal aking kasama”. Just as the lyric goes, as friendly neighbors across the sea, China and the Philippines will continue to join hands and make every effort to overcome the COVID-19 at the earliest!