Nico Stojans last release on Upon You was a collaboration with The Cheapers. Before that, he had his debut on UY together with Pele. Now, the former hip- hop producer, took the streets of Spain all by himself and brought back an endotherm tech-house breeze to blow-dry our backstock catalogue and in which we can preserve our summer memories in- for the cold days ahead. Not only wants the name giving A1 of the UY054 to dancingly dig itself into the sand-beach... even the B1 Title Quiet Now is wearing bikini-fashion. For those who like to with drawel in the winter into steaming halls will be gratified by the remix from Hector. The born Mexican which found his way through London into Berlin is turning the focal point from Quit Now into the direction main stage and lets the base drop. For the digital delights in life: Nicos track Dusty Fingers is ready to be downloaded- also a consequent techno-remix from Meyerdierks.