The Labyrinth Tour: Live From the O2
◎从大卫鲍伊主演电影「魔王迷宫」攫取灵感,在服饰和妆扮上别出心裁,营造出五光十色的声光效果 ◎凯莉米洛巡演创意总监William Baker掌镜,意大利时尚大师Antonio Berardi负责华服设计 ◎DVD全长96分钟,演绎「阿凡达」主题曲I See You、全球冠军曲Bleeding Love、Better In Time、Forgive Me、Happy等20首精采代表作 ◎加赠现场原音重现CD,全长48分钟,珍藏丽安娜极致金嗓 曾入围7项全英音乐、3项格莱美奖,全美告示牌「2008年热门新人」,以〈Bleeding Love〉(蔓延的爱)缔造30分钟内下载五万次惊人纪录,改写英国流行史上纪录创下连续7周No.1的女歌手纪录、销售最快破百万的处女作;史上第一位首张专辑《Spirit》(心灵深处)空降全美冠军、并同步称霸单曲双榜的英国歌手,并已创下全球超过800万张唱片销售量。年轻、演唱又极具爆发力的丽安娜,在这场演唱会上展露惊人演唱能量,尽情挥洒天份,着实朝天后宝座更进一步! 名嘴欧普拉、毒舌评审Simon Cowell、唱片教父Clive Davis、师姐惠特妮休斯顿联合力挺背书,借X-Factor歌唱选秀节目飞上枝头变凤凰,并推出入围格莱美「最佳流行专辑」、IFPI「2008年世界最卖座专辑」第6名的《Spirit》(心灵深处),至今全球已累积超过700万张的销售量。去年个人第二张《Echo》(回音),更直接空降UK专辑金榜冠军,并获颁双白金认证,透过丽安娜成熟自信的动人嗓音表现,成为中青代天后们的最强劲敌! 此演唱会从大卫鲍伊主演的电影「魔王迷宫」中,攫取製作灵感,取名《The Labyrinth Tour Live》作为首次演唱会名称,此场版本则是精选自今年6月18号在伦敦The O2 Arena的现场实况。除在服饰和妆扮上极尽华丽外,演唱会气氛的营造也相当引人入胜。尤其由执掌过布兰妮、凯莉巡演的William Baker掌镜,意大利时尚大师Antonio Berardi负责表演服装的设计,以神秘影像与绮丽衣装、搭配中古世纪城堡、武士环绕、炫目的灯光以及如同太阳马戏团场景,霸气炫丽的可谓近年演唱会视觉上的最强震撼表现。选用自创曲〈Brave〉揭开序幕,改编原曲慢版的〈Better In Time〉,则加入乐团伴奏加强摇滚气势,演唱中丽安娜热情与歌迷的互动,更是点燃现场所有歌迷的高昂情绪。坐上白天鹅翻唱华丽摇滚狂徒Marc Bolan领军的T. Rex之〈Ride A White Swan〉更是气势不凡。紧接而来的是获金球奖提名「最佳原创歌曲」(电影「阿凡达」主题曲)的〈I See You〉,并将电影视觉效果融入演唱片段,令人眼睛为之一亮。在四位健壮猛男间穿梭引出〈Forgive Me〉,更激起演唱会另一波高潮。大秀精湛高音演绎技巧的〈Happy〉,更让所有歌迷陷入为丽安娜疯狂的境地。结合默剧和芭蕾舞,还有羊男迷宫似的景象,让身着雪白歌服的丽安娜,闪烁如精灵般诠释情歌天王经典〈Could It Be Magic〉。蜕去温柔形象,狂野奔放的利用〈They Don't Care About Us〉向流行天王迈克杰克逊致敬。最后安可曲则是冠军主打歌〈Bleeding Love〉,则是打开丽安娜全球知名度的大气之作,全场歌迷跟着哼唱欲罢不能。长达1小时34分的精彩演唱会,再再证明新声代美声小歌后的演唱功力实在了得,搭配精彩的舞台效果,更展现丽安娜晋升歌后级艺人的旺盛企图!随演唱会DVD附赠10首精选歌曲的现场收音CD,更能体验如临演唱会现场般的真实体验。 (by KKBOX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Labyrinth Tour: Live from the O2 is a DVD/CD release by Leona Lewis and was recorded on 18 June 2010 in London, while Lewis performed at her tour The Labyrinth. It was released on 29 November 2010 with a 10 track live CD, and a Blu-ray version was also released. The recording was broadcast on UK television channel Watch on 3 December 2010.[3] It entered the Official UK Music Video Chart at number 4 on 5 December 2010. It has thus far spent 12 weeks in the UK Top 10. (wiki) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ by Jon O'Brien Four years after winning The X-Factor, and three years after scoring a transatlantic number one with the anthemic "Bleeding Love," the most successful talent contest winner in history, Leona Lewis, finally got the chance in front of a live audience to showcase the effortlessly versatile vocals that propelled her to world stardom. Recorded at the O2 Arena in London, The Labyrinth Tour: Live from the O2 is a souvenir of her well-received theatrical 2010 concert, which silenced the critics who suggested that her nice-but-inoffensive persona may hinder any ambitions of staging a diverting live show. Inspired by the classic 1980s David Bowie film of the same name, the William Baker-designed production, which featured elaborate fantasy sets, state-of-the-art lighting, and some rather unexpected choreography, might be irrelevant when considering the live album, but the excitement and passion generated by both Lewis and the full-capacity crowd can still be heard in all its glory throughout its ten tracks. With Lewis backed by a live band, guided by musical director Paul Beard, the glossy sheen of her well-produced two albums is replaced with a more funked-up, organic-sounding flavor, which only complements her consistently faultless live vocals. Of course, Lewis is at her best when belting out the power ballads, whether it's her epic cover version of Snow Patrol's "Run," her emotional rendition of "Happy," or her gorgeous interpretation of Roberta Flack's "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face." But surprisingly, The Labyrinth Tour reveals, perhaps for the first time, that she can tackle uptempo material almost as convincingly, with a club-inspired segment featuring Echo's pulsating "Outta My Head" and a more than competent attempt at electro with a cover of Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)," proving that she might not be as far removed from the likes of Rihanna and Lady Gaga as her singles suggest. However, unlike the tour itself, whose 20 performances are featured on a DVD also included, the CD version only clocks in at under a disappointing 50 minutes, with half of the show's material, including Top 20 hits "Forgive Me" and "I Got You" and covers of Barry Manilow's "Could It Be Magic" and Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River," bizarrely omitted. Considering that the live performances stand up just as well in audio form as they do visually, it's an unnecessary move, which denies listeners the chance to hear the full spectrum of Lewis' diverse set. However, despite its shortened track list, The Labyrinth Tour: Live from the O2 is still a worthwhile listen for any fans who missed out or who want to relive one of the most impressive live spectacles of the year.