Low (1999 Digital Remaster)

Low (1999 Digital Remaster)

“变色龙”David Bowie最有影响的专辑之一,他和Brian Eno在柏林的合作总是充满革命性,大量电子合成器配乐的使用给当时的主流音乐带来不小的冲击,在年度英国专辑排行榜占据第二,在美国也排到11位,专辑中的"Sound and Vision"成为打榜的单曲。虽然专辑销量并不出色,但有许多后来的音乐人都从中吸取了营养。随着时间的推移,这张专辑的历史地位也得到广泛的公认,获得了许多的荣誉。 这张专辑在滚石杂志选出的500张历代最强专辑中排名第249位。 Following through with the avant-garde inclinations of Station to Station, yet explicitly breaking with David Bowie's past, Low is a dense, challenging album that confirmed his place at rock's cutting edge. Driven by dissonant synthesizers and electronics, Low is divided between brief, angular songs and atmospheric instrumentals. Throughout the record's first half, the guitars are jagged and the synthesizers drone with a menacing robotic pulse, while Bowie's vocals are unnaturally layered and overdubbed. During the instrumental half, the electronics turn cool, which is a relief after the intensity of the preceding avant pop. Half the credit for Low's success goes to Brian Eno, who explored similar ambient territory on his own releases. Eno functioned as a conduit for Bowie's ideas, and in turn Bowie made the experimentalism of not only Eno but of the German synth group Kraftwerk and the post-punk group Wire respectable, if not quite mainstream. Though a handful of the vocal pieces on Low are accessible -- "Sound and Vision" has a shimmering guitar hook, and "Be My Wife" subverts soul structure in a surprisingly catchy fashion -- the record is defiantly experimental and dense with detail, providing a new direction for the avant-garde in rock & roll.


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