Honky Tonk Christmas
头上永远搁一顶牛仔帽的阿兰·杰克逊(Alan Jackson)这张圣诞专辑将老歌新作巧妙地共冶一炉,虽无一首传统圣诞颂,仍不失为乡村风格的最佳圣诞专辑之一。他先是以一曲摇摆十足的"Honky Tonk Christmas"隆重登场,接着与兰草乡村美人艾莉森·克劳斯(Alison Krauss)携手呈献一曲美美的对唱。他将自己的歌声放入至今影响深远的已故乡村歌手基斯·惠特利(Keith Whitley)从前录制的音轨中("There's A New Kid in Town"),此外又极妙地翻唱了Merle Haggard的"If We Make It Through December"。 by Brian Mansfield One of the best country Christmas albums, this smart blend of old and new songs doesn't have a traditional carol in the bunch. He starts off strong with the rocking "Honky Tonk Christmas" and then sings a gorgeous duet with Alison Krauss. He adds his voice to a previously taped track by the late Keith Whitley on "There's a New Kid in Town" and does a credible job with Merle Haggard's "If We Make It Through December." Save for a silly duet with the cartoon Chipmunks, this is a fabulous album.