The Farmer's Daughter
这是一张讲述一个农家女的心情,充满了对梦想的憧憬,未来的渴望,而有些曲目的名字,却又像是一个男孩的感觉,比如eagle in my heart,tai chi好像不大会针对一个女孩子的而言,而like water和your own soul却又像男孩子对女孩子的表白。但是,也可以描述位女孩子的内心活动,更因为是DENEAN的演唱,听来偏女性化多点。繁琐了,累了,只想闭上眼睛,不管内容了,只想聆听一种喜欢,一种滋润。这就是聆听这张作品的最后结局…… The Farmer's Daughter: Written and Produced by Denean This album is dedicated to the loving memory of Denean's father. Through the music Denean shares her experience of loss, healing, and the deep reflection of her roots that was sparked in the process of this life change. Her compelling artistry shines through as she shares her heart and bares her soul trusting that love and goodness will prevail. The music is a little more "country-flavored" than her other works, reflecting her "farmgirl" roots.