Picture Perfect Morning
Paul Simon大家不会不熟悉,Edie Brickell正是他妻子,并且似乎为了家庭有10年没有出唱片,直到2002年才发了一张新歌加精选,可惜那个偶没能找到,正在继续找,找到一定放上来。她1966年出生在德州,在加入The New Bohemians(新波西米亚人)之前读的是教会大学,Shooting Rubberbands At The Stars和Ghost Of A Dog是她和这个乐队发行的两张专辑,前者取得了很大的成功,后者则没能再接再厉,间接导致乐队的解散。Picture Perfect Morning是她离开乐队后的第一张Solo,虽然成功没有Shooting Rubberbands At The Stars那么大,但对于生活幸福的Edie这已经是令她满足的成绩了,这张专辑十分好听。她最新的一张作品Volcano更是将她后天勤奋练习出来的吉他技艺展示的淋漓尽致,可以说,Edie虽然是作品不多的歌手,但张张都是值得推荐的好东西。 Edie Brickell's comeback album, Picture Perfect Morning, is a pleasant record of adult contemporary pop with hints of folk-rock that are buried underneath the glossy production. Brickell sounds good and the production is impeccable, but the record never creates a consistent mood. More importantly, none of the songs are memorable, lacking distinctive, catchy melodies or memorable lyrics. As a result, the album is fine as background music but doesn't leave a lasting impact.