

《Zabuca》——“摇摆起来”——是少数精通西班牙吉他的音乐人之一Johannes Linstead极富感染力的第四张专集的最好的名称解释。专集仿佛一团燃烧着欢庆的拉丁风味的热情之火,从喜悦的“La Caba?ita”到极具诱惑力及幻想色彩的“La Rumbita”,作品都呈现出拉丁式的动感。其中传统风格的“Guayabera”将Santanaesque的稀有音乐与Johannes那撩动心弦的演奏结合在一起。柔声单曲“Eleni”则传递出他甜美、浪漫的一面,而“Echoes of the Forest”则结合了冥想音乐的风格,同时将现代弗拉门科式的欢愉节奏加入其中。着迷于浪漫的弗拉门科风格的乐迷们,让我们一起抛开传统,准备好和《Zabuca》舞动起来吧! Johannes在专集《Zabuca》中营造了一种欢庆的氛围。作为天才器乐演奏家,他同时担任吉他、钢琴、曼陀铃、木笛和其他多种打击乐器的演奏。同时,喇叭、小提琴、大提琴、贝司和声部及其他打击乐器的加入也拓展了这种地中海风格的音域。着迷于浪漫的弗拉门科风格的乐迷们,让我们一起抛开传统,准备好和《Zabuca》舞动起来吧! 这张专集中的歌曲极富节奏感,以至于我都想站起身来随着节拍一起舞动了。第一首曲子“La Cabanita en la Playa”完全是舞曲的风格。当然也有一些较慢的具有浪漫色彩的曲子,像是第二首“Cielo Azul”。第三首“Guayabera”是我整张专集中最喜欢的曲子。我很喜欢专集中那种将强有力的节奏与舒缓柔美的音调相结合的音乐表达方式。每首曲子的呈现方式都很出色。这是我最钟爱的Johannes的作品,值得推荐。 Real Music,NewAge音乐界最著名最重要的厂牌之一。 Real Music是美国加利福尼亚一个独立的唱片公司,它的创始人Terence Yallop生于伦敦,有着传奇的经历。曾经是一位艺术和音乐的收集家,之后又出售自己的收藏,而学习道教,到了美国三藩市后,花了几年时间教授传道。开始寻找作为教学用的背景音乐,并形成了新的流派。 当他重新经营天然食物时,这些音乐用作商店的背景音乐,人们被这些舒服的旋律所吸引,到他商店听音乐的人多过买东西的。就这样开始了出售这些音乐集,直至80年代转为全职的音乐人,并成立Real music公司,凭着他对音乐的信念,成功接踵而来。发展到今天的Real music,旗下有20多位不同国家的音乐家,出版的大碟在40多个国家发售,在美国等四十多个国家的主流和另类乐坛均占有重要地位。它的出品是Billboard杂志的New Age排行榜上的常客,因此在过去的四年中被该杂志评为第二大New Age厂牌。代表艺人:Kevin Kern, Nicholas Gunn, Radhika Miller, Santoo Govi, Jim Chappell, MarsLasar, 2002 , Karunesh by Jonathan Widran While his name is nowhere near as popular as that of Ottmar Liebert, or even Jesse Cook, Johannes Linstead keeps the flamenco tradition very much a force in modern world and new age music by combining traditional fingerstyling with fanciful modern groove ideas. And of course, a sense of melodic seduction that grabs on and can't be shaken. He's pictured on the CD cover holding an acoustic guitar, but his sense of sonic architecture extends to a multitude of instruments (piano, keys, mandolin, wood flute) and arrangement and production. To achieve his overall vision, he thus draws from a wide palette of textures. The title of the recording means "shakeup," which begins with the jubilant and brassy "La Cabanita en la Playa" -- a tune blending precise, speedy fingerstyling with rhythm guitar accompaniment, and jumpy piano chords topped with the mariachi trumpet fire of Alexis Baro. Before you start dancing too quickly, however, Linstead simmers down for the seductive sway of "Cielo Azul." The sensual, horn-drenched "Guayabera" perfectly captures his desire to blend traditional and modern styles; the tune blends classic picking and brass licks with a Santana-esque rock foundation. The gentle "Eleni" reflects the genuine romantic in Linstead's soul, while the two-part "Echoes of the Forest" mixes meditational atmospheres with a little of the Liebert influence. Beautifully written, and excitingly performed and played, this disc summarizes all there is to love about modern flamenco.


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