Happy Christmas
Jessica Simpson (洁西卡辛普森) 最近除了得意的与Eric Johnson 甜蜜新恋情,在个人品牌上"Jessica Simpson Jeanswear" 得到了不错的回响,也开心的办了几场造势签名会。睽违了两年洁西卡将发行新音乐作品,是第二张圣诞专辑《Happy Christmas》全美预计在12月份上 架! 或许是副业品牌的经营有成,相较下在音乐上投入的心力与成果逊色了不少,转型流行乡村后反应不如预期,新圣诞专辑《Happy Christmas》流出的专辑封面照,是使用今年Allure杂志的旧照,让歌迷失望不少。 《Happy Christmas》中将与乡村天王Willie Nelson 再次合 唱,还会首次与葛莱美制作人The-Dream & Tricky Stewart 合作专辑,11 月23 日将在Macys 首卖,另外洁西卡也录制了PBS 的圣诞节特别节目。 Jessica Simpson's star has only continued to brighten during her 10+ year career as she has become an icon in music, fashion and entertainment. With the release of her second Christmas album, 'Happy Christmas', she lends her unforgettable vocal talent to the most beloved Christmas classics creating versions that will warm the heart and home during the cold winter season. Features duets with Willie Nelson and John Britt! [Primary Wave]