ドイツのトップ・レーベルSystematic Recordingsの主宰者「マーク・ロンボイ」が、今年世界デビュー20周年を迎えた「ケンイシイ」と初のコラボレーション・アルバムをリリース! 日本盤は完全コンプリート音源2枚組。更にBlu-spec CDにて発売。これはドイチェ=ヤパーニッシュ・フロイントシャフト(独日友好同盟)だ! ドイツのテクノ&ハウス・シーンで大躍進を続ける実力派「マーク・ロンボイ」。これまでに数々のコラボレーションをしてきた達人だ。そんな彼が次なるパートナーとして意気投合したのが、今年世界デビュー20周年を迎える東洋のテクノゴッド、「ケンイシイ」である。本作のタイトルである「太陽」、それは日本でもドイツでも共に生きながら感じてきた一つの象徴。互いの音楽的なバックグラウンドをリスペクトし合いながら、丹念に作り込まれたパワフルな音世界。デトロイト・テクノやアシッド、ミニマル、ディープ・ハウスなど多用な表情を彼ら二人の絶妙なサウンド・バランスで作り上げた究極のアルバム! リミキサーには「Red2」などのヒットでおなじみの重鎮デイヴ・クラーク、Somaレーベルなどで知られるファンク・ドヴォイド、スウェーデン次世代ミニマリストのスカッジ、TraumやHerzblutレーベルで知られるマックス・クーパーらが参加。また国内盤ボーナスとしてDJ Wada、DJ Sodeyama、Hideo Kobayashiらがリミックス参戦。これは2013年のクラブ・シーンを席巻する世界的話題作である! Japanese techno artist Ken Ishii is among the most innovative, experimental composers in contemporary techno. Although working in and drawing from a decidedly dancefloor-oriented, Detroit-derived framework, Ishiis exploration of avant-garde compositional techniques like chromaticism and the prominent influence of digital synthesis figures him as strongly deviant from Motor City aesthetic tradition. A Tokyo native, Ishiis work is most resonant in feel perhaps to the work of Derrick May, though the influence of more artful electronic experimentalists like Yellow Magic Orchestra and Haruomi Hosono also figure prominently. Although Ishii has only been releasing music since the early 90s — recording under his own name for the R&S label, as well as Rising Sun (for ESP), Utu (Plus 8), Flare (Sublime), and Yoga (ESP) — his 1993 and 1994 R&S works, as well as his Sublime CD Reference to Difference are all benchmarks of techno futurism. Incorporating elements of British bleep and breakbeat techno, as well as elements of the 20th century avant-garde, Ishiis finest work expands on technos rigid rhythmic structure, wedging in elements of chaos and disruption. Like the Black Dog, B12, and other armchair experimentalists, Ishiis music is often praised by DJs who nonetheless refuse to give his often challenging records much play. Although until only recently unknown in Japan and just a step above obscure on the global techno scene, Ishiis 1995 release Jelly Tones opened his work out onto a larger audience, prompting a world tour and growing repute as compsoser and DJ. In addition to a continuous performance and DJing schedule, Ishii also remixed tracks for Keiichi Suzuki, Tokyo Skaparadise Orchestra, Cova, and Masatoshi Nagase. Sleeping Madness, his first album for R&S in four years, dropped in 1999, and Flatspin followed a year later.