russian national orchestra

russian national orchestra

The Russian National Orchestra (Российский Национальный Оркестр) is an orchestra based in Moscow, Russia. Established in 1990 by the renowned pianist and conductor Mikhail Pletnev who is its current artistic director and head of the Conductor Collegium, with friend and violin player Alexei Bruni, it is considered one of the finest orchestras today. The RNO regularly gives concerts in Russia, tours internationally, and has an annual concert series in the United States. It was the first Russian orchestra to perform in the Vatican (a private concert for Pope John Paul II), the first to tour Israel, and is a frequent visitor to the music capitals of Europe, Asia and the Americas. The RNO is recognized for its innovative artistic programs and cultural collaboration, and its Magic of Music outreach to youth. The orchestra records for Deutsche Grammophon and PentaTone Classics. Its recording of Wolf Tracks and Peter and the Wolf (narrated by Sophia Loren, Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev) received a 2004 GRAMMY Award, the first ever received by a Russian orchestra.

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