Samuel Feinberg
塞缪尔·费恩伯格(Samuel Feinberg, 1890-1962) 苏联钢琴家、教育家、作曲家,俄罗斯功勋艺术家、艺术学 塞缪尔·费恩伯格(又译“法因贝格”、“芬伯格”、“费因伯格”),1890年5月26日生于乌克兰的敖德萨(Odessa),1894年起举家迁至莫斯科。费恩伯格从小就表现出过人的音乐天赋,师承莫斯科音乐学院的亚历山大·戈登魏泽(Alexander Goldenweisser, 1875-1961) 习钢琴,1911年毕业于莫斯科音乐学院。1912年起在俄罗斯和国外举行音乐会。1922-1962年在莫斯科音乐学院任钢琴教授。 他的演奏风格是将演奏者内心真诚的抒情与“学院派”准确的技术要求完美的结合,达到艺术与技术的平衡和统一。他是苏联作曲家普罗科菲耶夫等人的许多作品的首演者,尤其擅长演奏斯克里亚宾的作品。他在触键法和踏板用法方面反映了斯克里亚宾的特点,在演奏古典主义和浪漫主义作品以及西欧和俄罗斯音乐时,把个人处理和准确地体现作者构思、感情及理智和协地结合起来,他在一系列有关表演理论和钢琴教育学的著作中阐明了自己的美学与教学原则。 他是演奏巴赫作品的专家,曾录制过巴赫《十二平均律》全集唱片,一度被认为是继埃德温·菲舍尔(Edwin Fischer, 1886-1960)后第二个录制全套平均律的钢琴家,从中我们可以感受到一种端正舒适的艺术魅力和对钢琴声音层次变化的完美控制。 同时,他也是贝多芬、舒曼及俄罗斯作品的优秀诠释者,他的演奏风格对后来的苏联钢琴家影响很大。另外,他曾多次担任全苏与国际钢琴比赛评委会成员。作为教育家,费恩伯格曾培养出大批学生,其中有著名的音乐活动家,国际比赛的获奖者和教师,其中我国的著名钢琴演奏家刘诗昆就是其中之一。此外亦作有不少钢琴作品以及古典名作和民歌的钢琴改编曲。1946年获苏联国家奖。1962年10月22日,费恩伯格于莫斯科逝世。 Samuel Feinberg (also Samuil) was better known in his day as a pianist than a composer, but it is as a composer that Feinberg is known to posterity. Feinberg' s interpretations of the keyboard works of Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Scriabin, and others were startlingly original - he typically offered quite a different approach to each composer's music. He produced a substantial output of piano, vocal, and chamber works, but was generally reluctant to promote his compositions in the many concerts he gave. Feinberg' s early music is conservative in outlook, but he later became experimental in the use of serial techniques, only to return to a more traditional though individual style later on. Feinberg was born in Odessa between May 14 and 26, 1890. Raised in Moscow, from an early age Feinberg exhibited an extraordinary talent on the piano. He enrolled in the Moscow Conservatory and studied piano with Alexander Goldenweiser. During his student years he took instruction in composition privately with Nikolai Zhilyayev. After his 1911 graduation from the Conservatory, Feinberg launched a career as a piano soloist while writing music on the side. Before he was sent off to war, Feinberg met Scriabin, who praised his pianism. Feinberg's active participation in the Russian military ended abruptly when he became gravely ill and had to spend the remainder of the war recuperating in Moscow. In 1922, Feinberg joined the faculty at the Moscow Conservatory, and thereafter revived his career as a pianist, and toured Europe in the late 1920s. When his composition teacher, Zhilyayev, who had also become his music editor, was arrested during Stalin's reign of terror, Feinberg had to rein in the progressive music style he had evolved in works like the Sixth (1923) and Seventh (1924-1925) piano sonatas and the First Piano Concerto (1931-1932). After 1936, Feinberg's music became more conservative, though it retained a subtlety of expression and often divulged a penchant for imaginative contrapuntal techniques. Feinberg felt it wise not to seek publication of some of his more progressive works, like the Seventh Sonata, which would not appear in print until the 1970s. In 1951 Feinberg's health declined from as the result of a heart ailment, but he remained active as a pianist and composer for his remaining days. He died in Moscow, largely an obscure figure in a global sense, however his reputation within Russia placed him among the pianistic giants of his age -- Sofronitsky, Goldenweiser, Ginzburg, and Neuhaus.